Although winter is already upon us, there are steps you can take to prepare your lawn for healthy growth in the upcoming spring season. Many homeowners spend time and resources cleaning and priming their yard for the foreseeable cold weather. While All Brothers Lawn Squad, LLC can keep your driveway clear with their snow removal services, there are specific actions you can take to guarantee a healthy lawn when the weather turns warm.

Protect Your Lawn in Winter

1. Begin with a Clean Lawn

One of the best ways to protect your lawn during the winter season? A clean and tidy lawn before the snow begins to fall. Leaving a thick layer of wet leaves on your grass provides an optimal environment for disease. To ensure a healthy lawn throughout the cold weather, rake up all leaves, branches, and other debris before the first snowfall. Remove all lawn furniture and any lawn decorations and store them for the winter.

2. Add Nutrients with Mulch

When you mow the lawn in the fall, take that extra step and mulch the leaves as well. This adds numerous, much-needed nutrients back into your lawn, giving your grass a distinct advantage while it lies dormant throughout the cold winter months.

3. Keep Off the Grass

While the lawn is covered in ice and snow, it may not seem like a major issue to walk on it or even drive and park on it for the winter. The constant load of snow and ice, along with the daily burden of walking and driving, weakens the grass over time. When spring finally arrives, you will find a lawn too delicate and frail to grow into a healthy green yard.

4. Clear Paths and Sidewalks of Ice

Keep those walkways and sidewalks clear of ice on a daily basis. Choose from three different methods – salt, sand, and commercial ice melt. When you clear pathways of ice and snow, you will not be tempted to walk on the snow-covered lawn.

When you find your lawn in need of professional lawn care in the fall or you need snow removal services in the winter, look no further than All Brothers Lawn Squad. Call our friendly office at (765) 371-4186 to request your free consultation. Located in Union City, we gladly serve the areas of Portland, Muncie, and Richmond.


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